GET TO KNOW YOUR COLLEAGUES by Wim Cox (Netherlands)

What is your favourite movie? The Usual Suspects with Kevin Spacey.

2. What is your favourite thing to do on a day off? On a day off, without emails or calls, I enjoy the quiet moments.

3. What is your favourite book/author?  How can one choose, but this would be my answer: The World according to Garp by John Irving. (By the way the film doesn’t the book too badly.)

4. What is your favourite place travelled? As sailors, our favourite journey is sailing around the English Channel.

5. Do you collect anything? I don’t traditionally collect items, save for the common pursuit of money. But in recent years, I’ve developed a fascination with the French Emperor Napoleon. I’ve been slowly accumulating related items, and my most recent addition includes three porcelain figurines of French generals, which cost me €40.

6. What is your favourite holiday? See place travelled

7. What is your favourite sport? Sailing

8. What is your favourite music genre/musician? My tastes encompass a broad range from country to classical.

9. What are you passionate about ? My spouse of forty years

10. If you could do anything else professionally, what would it be? 

There are two: food industry or being a ship’s captain, traversing the vast expanse of the world’s oceans.

11. What skill would you most like to learn ? I’ve always been drawn to the craft of carpentry or woodworking.

12. What is one thing that instantly makes your day better?Recognizing that we control our feelings and emotions, we can shift our entire day. Understanding that brings immediate improvement to one’s day.



Adresse :

Kennemerboulevard 601
1976 EP IJmuiden

Telephone : +31 653110243

Email : wim@cox360.nl

Website : http://www.cox.nl/