PARIS OLYMPICS 2024 by Alexandre Koerfer (France)

Embracing unity: BKP & Associés Lawyers celebrates the

Olympic Games and opening ceremony

As a proud French law firm, BKP & Associés Avocats is honoured to join the international community incelebrating the Olympic Games and its highly anticipated Opening Ceremony. Our firm, deeply committedto the values of excellence, respect, and unity, is also a long- standing member of IGAL (InternationalGroup of Accountants and Lawyers), an association

that embodies these very principles.


A Global Celebration of Talent and Determination

The Olympic Games represent the pinnacle of global sportsmanship, bringing together athletes fromevery corner of the world to showcase their dedication, talent, and perseverance. These qualitiesmirror the ethos of BKP & Associés Avocats, where we strive for excellence and unwavering commitmentin our professional services. The Games are a celebration of human potential and internationalcooperation, values that resonate deeply with our firm’s mission and vision.


The Opening Ceremony: A Symbol of Global Harmony

The Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games was a magnificent display of diversity, heritage, and unity.It was a symbol of the sporting world coming together. At BKP & Associés Avocats, we saw this ceremony asa reflection of our own commitment to fostering cross-border collaboration and building bridges between legalprofessionals worldwide. It reinforces our belief in the importance of global unity and cooperation.


Proud French Contributions to the Olympic Spirit

France has contributed significantly to the world of sports and the Olympic spirit. As a French law firm, BKP& Associés Lawyers is proud of our country’s legacy and the role our athletes play. This dedication to excellence and international cooperation is also evident in our active participation in IGAL, where we shareknowledge and collaborate with professionals from various legal and accounting backgrounds.

BKP & Associés Avocats’ Commitment to IGAL and Olympic Values

Our long-standing membership in IGAL reflects our dedication to the values of the Olympic movement—excellence, respect, and friendship. BKP & Associés Avocats is committed to upholding these principlesin all our professional endeavours. By being part of IGAL, we embrace the opportunity to engage with adiverse and talented network of professionals, working together to achieve common goals and fostermutual understanding.


Looking Ahead: A Future of Unity and Collaboration

The Olympic Games serve as a powerful reminder of what can be achieved when people from diversebackgrounds unite with a shared purpose. BKP & Associés Avocats is committed to continuing its effortsto promote collaboration and unity within the international legal community. We believe that byfostering mutual understanding and cooperation, we can contribute to a more harmonious and prosperousglobal society.



As the Olympic Games get under way, BKP & Associés Avocats stands united with our colleagues incelebrating this extraordinary event. We look forward to witnessing the triumphs, challenges, andunforgettable moments that will inspire us all to strive for greater heights in our professional and personallives.

In conclusion, the Olympic Games and the Opening Ceremony are not just a celebration of sports; they area celebration of humanity and the indomitable spirit that drives us all to excel. BKP & Associés Avocats, withits deep-rooted commitment to these values and its active membership in IGAL, is honoured to be part ofthis global celebration, embodying the same principles of unity, excellence, and international cooperation that the Olympics represent.

Alexandre KOERFER

COO at BKP & Associés Avocats – France