MAURITIUS FOREVER by Mike Djordjevich (USA)

You know how it is when everything goes right? It is like driving at the speed when all traffic lights turn green just as we get in front of them. When every course of the meal we are having is better than the previous one. When we look at our spouses and say to ourselves that we’d do it all over again. When we play cards, and the good ones just keep coming. And coming. And coming.

The feeling one gets of an accomplishment. The satisfaction of the moment when there are no problems, when the past is happy and the future bright. When the Sun shines every day.

The above superlatives only begin to describe the feel and vibe of our 2024 Mauritius Annual General Meeting. The organization is another matter. Completely. On a different level.

Christian and Lisa Li have produced a wonderful, interesting, informative conference. Aside from being really nice people they demonstrated that they could anticipate and fulfil various needs of the multiple dozens of people. And do it efficiently while smiling all the time. Try it sometimes. It isn’t easy.

Of course, they had help from their team. The two put together make a winning combination.

The attendees were taken care of, their desires made into reality. The result was that we, as a group, operated cohesively and effectively. Never a dull moment; surprises were many; exchange of ideas flourishing; coffee breaks interesting; speakers were informative.

During all of that we were calm and graceful. Moving through events with the magic of a figure skater: never missing a beat and jumping high, pirouetting through the clouds.

Of course, the beautiful daily Mauritian sunsets only contributed to the success of this conference.

We leave Mauritius with a renewed hope that all will work out for all of us. We have a new confidence and belief in IGAL and ourselves. We are also looking forward to meeting our friends and colleagues soon.

Thank you, Lisa, Christian and the CKLB team. We owe you a debt which will be difficult to repay.

by Mike Djordjevich

Address :

321 High School Road #303
Bainbridge Island
WA 98110

Telephone : +1 661 645 5572

Email : mike@mdj-cpa.com

Website : http://www.mdj-cpa.com