OUR (OWN) HISTORY PAGE by Giovanni Babino (Italy)

We all know (or should) how important history is in understanding all current and future events.

However, unfortunately, very often we forget the importance of a history page each of us writes daily. Wherever we are and whatever we are doing, we are writing one.

This world would be a better place if everyone did their duty every day, in whatever they were involved.

It would be a good start if everyone, as Rudyard Kipling said “…can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just the same….” So, hold on, when there is nothing in you except the will which says to you, hold on.

All history always has a beginning, one page at a time to write; and in the end, we realize that it is not just the great ideas that change the world, but those millions of people who do their duty seriously every day and whatever it takes. After all, 95% of life is just showing up. No?

These ordinary people sometimes become heroes and as Benjamin Franklin said “…a good example is the best sermon.”

It is up to us to write our own history, every day. Let’s make sure that there are no blank pages or pages written by someone else.



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