GET TO KNOW YOUR COLLEAGUES by Camelia Gules (Romania)


What is your favourite movie ? Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

  1. What is your favourite thing to do on a day off ?Painting, reading
  1. What is your favourite book/author ?Alain de Botton
  1. What is your favourite place travelled ?Fiskardo (Kefalonia, Greece)
  1. Do you collect anything ?yes, nice things (miniatures, designer jewelry, traditional Romanian blouses, tools for old jobs: typewriters, sun clocks)
  1. What is your favourite holiday ?Yacht holidays in Greece
  1. What is your favourite sport ?Pilates
  1. What is your favourite music genre/musician ?Pop, Blues, Jazz, Latino, Bossa Nova
  1. What are you passionate about ?To be a better version of me, every day
  1. If you could do anything else professionally, what would it be?Design
  1. What skill would you most like to learn ?Debate, public speaking
  2. What is one thing that instantly makes your day better ?Sunlight


Sos. Iancului 41
bl. 102D Sc. B
et. 8
ap.82 Bucharest

Telephone : +4 021 256 91 63

Email : camelia.gules@cpconsulting.ro

Website : http://www.cpconsulting.ro/