GET TO KNOW YOUR COLLEAGUES by Daniel Camilleri (Malta)

1.What is your favourite movie? Gladiator

  1. What is your favourite thing to do on a day off? Enjoy family and relaxing by the sea.
  1. What is your favourite book/author? How can one choose, but this would be my answer: various
  1. What is your favourite place travelled? Umbria Italy,
  1. Do you collect anything? When I was a kid, I used to collect sharpeners, a collection which I still have. Nowadays I collect annual calendars (with photos)of countries/cities I visit.
  1. What is your favourite holiday? Renting a car and driving through countryside and borghi (medevial towns).
  1. What is your favourite sport? Football (soccer)
  1. What is your favourite music genre/musician? Pop.
  1. What are you passionate about ?  Family and football (soccer)
  1. If you could do anything else professionally, what would it be? Interior designer
  1. What skill would you most like to learn ? Sommelier
  1. What is one thing that instantly makes your day better? Spending time with my children
1st Floor, Suite 3, Central Business Centre, Mdina Road, Zebbug
9015 MALTA
Email : Daniel@cg.com.mt Ritianne@cg.com.mt
Website : http://cg.com.mt/