HOLIDAYS ARE OVER! NOW WHAT? by Mike Djordjevich (USA)

So, it is all over. Even the lights have disappeared.

Luckily, however, across the street where we live there are still some Christmas lights; don’t ask me why they are there, I don’t really know. But, I do like looking at them.

But, as I said, most of them are gone. No Christmas trees or any sign of any holiday, whatever it might have been. Disappeared but not forgotten; by me, anyway.

All that excitement and anticipation of the holidays; all those fantasies as to the ways all of it would play out, how great it was going to be. How warm and cozy we’d feel and the like. Gone. It’ll return next year, of course. But for now, right now…gone.

If you peruse a couple of articles in this issue, you will find there are still holiday wishes contained therein. Long lost, almost forgotten holidays. The thoughts behind those wishes are wonderful; however, the effect is somewhat less potent. We are already in a new year; we have moved on.

What should we expect? When is the next holiday?

As we return to our unavoidable duties we must continue to be responsible, diligent and professional. Every day is a new challenge in which to reach a goal, to accomplish something. With every passing day, we are removed from the most recent holiday and, hopefully, approaching the next one. Something to wait for us, to be there, to look forward to. Our lives are such that we prod on, continue, search. Holidays, in many cases, are that light at the end of a tunnel.

For me, I am still clinging on. I am glad there are a few lights on my street and am particularly glad that our IGAL writers are referring to the recent holiday past. It gives me the strength to persevere. 



by Mike Djordjevich

Address :

321 High School Road #303
Bainbridge Island
WA 98110

Telephone : +1 661 645 5572

Email : mike@mdj-cpa.com

Website : http://www.mdj-cpa.com