Members Covid Updates : YÖNTEM – Istanbul

Dear All,

First of all, I hope that the whole IGAL members, families, friends and colleagues are fine and healthy.

The Government in Turkey has not declared a general lockdown yet. There is only a lockdown for people who are over 65. Schools including universities are closed for the moment. Restaurants, stadiums, theaters, cinemas, shopping malls are also closed. The attitude of the Turkish people is similar to that of the Spanish and Italians at the moment; we are afraid of the speed at which the virus is spreading, doubling day after day because the majority of the population is not staying at home.

There is an economic recession in the country. The government has announced some incentives and precautions but I think that the announcements are not sufficient enough to avoid the negative impacts of this progression. There are serious problems in tourism, the car industry and the building sector. The majority of the manufacturing firms will reduce their volume of production over the following days and weeks.

I hope that the world recovers from this extraordinary period with as little damage as possible.

I hope that the IGAL family will remain safe and healthy.

Kind regards

Yusuf Barış Bilsel, CPA

YÖNTEM – Istanbul