From 27th of August to the 7th of November 2021, Milan will host 100 Globes: it is an extensive art event sponsored by the City of Milan, the Lombardy Region and the Environment Ministry. The aim is to raise public awareness regarding the climate change and the widespread/damaging use of plastic pollutants.
The previous, very successful, exhibit entitled 45 Globes was held in Piazza Duomo in April 2021. In its wake, it will be possible to admire, again, in the main streets and squares of Milan, 100 recycled plastic globes designed by young artists and established designers.
Among the participants of the event are well-known designers (Antonio Facco, Giulio Cappellini ,Michele De Lucchi) as well as many artists from Milan and beyond. Their work will contribute to our collective awareness regarding sustainable development issues. These objectives were set in the UN 2030 Agenda. They, among others, include the importance of sustaining Life on land and under water, the migration of people, clean and accessible energy, “zero hunger” and the circular economy.
The 100 Globes, once the event is over, will be part of a charity auction organized by Sotheby’s. The proceeds will be donated to Forestami, the Association “Parco Segantini ONLUS”, Niguarda Hospital, the “Umberto Veronesi”Foundation and the “Arca Foundation ONLUS” which works in the interests of the poor in areas of assistance and integration.
Address :
Piazza Duca d’Aosta 10
20124 Milan
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