Maybe this is just wishful thinking as we have all been stuck, more or less. What used to be a despised occurrence would now probably be welcomed by many of us. Delayed flight would mean that there actually is a flight.

Statistically speaking, between 15 and 25 per cent of flights get delayed in any given year. Definition of “delayed” is 15 minutes or more behind schedule. What can you do to pass the time while waiting? Here are some ideas:

  1. Go for a walk.

Many airport waiting areas include unique artwork and architecture, so there will be  something interesting to look at and get exercise. Make sure you take the luggage with you. Otherwise, you might be suspected of terrorism.

  1. Take up people watching.

This is my favorite. Observe a crowd of people and guess at their life stories. Note peoples’ interactions, mannerisms, and body language and let your imagination do the rest. Personally, I pick most people to be mass murderers.

  1. Experiment with a foreign language.

You may be able to learn several key words and phrases while you’re waiting.  Always be careful to understand the nuances of any phrases learned this way. Unintended consequences may be surprising.

  1. Listen to music.

Simply queue up some songs by your favorite artist and enjoy the distraction. Just don’t get so lost in the music that you miss any status announcements about your flight which suddenly became “un-delayed.”

  1. Play a game.

There is an endless supply of games to keep you entertained during your next flight delay. Speaking from personal experience, make sure the sound is turned off as it may be super annoying to passengers around you.

  1. Read a book.

What an interesting recommendation for the 21-st century! Immersing yourself in a good book is important as a bad book will make you even more irritable.

  1. Grab a bite to eat.

This can be a dangerous option considering the quality of airport food, even in the lounges. Watch your weight on this one.

Unfortunately, flight delays are a reality at all airports. Let’s hope that we are again in this situation and actually have an opportunity to implement any of the above.