GET TO KNOW YOUR COLLEAGUES by Carole Boulanger (France)

1 What is your favourite movie ? Bridget Jones

  1. What is your favourite thing to do on a day off ? Moto ride
  2. What is your favourite book/author ? My professional agenda
  3. What is your favourite place travelled ? Vienna
  4. Do you collect anything ? No
  5. What is your favourite holiday ? Halloween
  6. What is your favourite sport ? Zipline
  7. What is your favourite music genre/musician ? Pop 80s
  8. What are you passionate about ? Moto
  9. If you could do anything else professionally, what would it be? I love my job
  10. What skill would you most like to learn ? Playing music
  11. What is one thing that instantly makes your day better ? The smile of a stranger


Adresse :

9 rue Saint Senoch
75017 Paris,

Email : carole.boulanger@excelsia-audit.fr

Website : http://www.excelsia-audit.fr/