There are a number of dream roads for travelers. Among the top routes, such as the Silk Road or the Pamir Highway, is the Panamaricana, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.

After years of enthusiastic research in books, on travel blogs and on YouTube, things are slowly getting serious. A thousand little and big things had to be thought of.

From travel health insurance to offroad equipment, navigation systems, language skills and adapting the vehicle to South American fuel conditions and altitudes.

The shipping of the car was planned, flight tickets and accommodations booked in Cartagena, Colombia. Then, all of a sudden, the news that our ship had a change in schedule and will only sail to Kingston, Jamaica.

Now, after everything had gone according to plan, there is a problem. Do we have to ship to Montevideo, Uruguay instead? Or, can we ship on a flat rack container as our camper is too high for normal containers?

We were planning to start in Colombia at the beginning of January 2024 and travel through Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina as far as Tierra del Fuego until we reach Montevideo, Uruguay in April 2024.

In between these two distant points, the plan was to drive through the Amazon basin and cross the Altiplano at an altitude of over 4,000 metres; see Machu Pichu and the Petito Moreno glacier; visit the southernmost city in the world, Ushuaia, Argentina as well as the highest capital in the world, Quito, Ecuador; cross the equator by land. And, above all, meet great people everywhere.

By the way, we have now been confirmed that our camper will be shipped to Cartagena on a flat rack on 21 December. It’s a little more expensive than planned, but you only go on a tour like this once in a lifetime. So, all of the above is on and we can’t wait.

Editor’s Note: Our member Frank Klaus and Andrea Klaus will travel along the Pan-American Highway (Panamericana or Pan-Am) in the above pictured vehicle commencing in January 2024. It is estimated that the trip will take several months. IGAL INSIDER is anxious to report on their progress and the related obervations and adventures. For now, we can only say: Bon Voyage!


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