Members Covid Updates : VCS Accountants – Belgium

As is the case with so many companies, our company is also on a lock down. We are all working from home.

It is true to say that, the Belgian Government has really reacted perfectly and has introduced different support measures for their population and the companies.

Hopefully, a lot of people will now understand why Belgium is possibly not the cheapest country to live in, but our social security system is now proving it’s quality.

The health care in our country is of high quality and hospitals are prepared well.   We hope that they can resist the corona pressure and at this moment we are all very optimistic.

As Covid-19 is causing a lot of difficulties for companies, we, as accountants in Belgium, are the hospitals and surgeons for them; therefore times are very hectic in our profession.  We  give full  support and assistance to our clients and try to manage their companies together with them to help them get through this crisis. Together we can do it.

Digitalisation was already a major factor of our business, but through the corona crisis it has rapidly become a necessity… and allow me to say that this is the only positive consequence of the crisis.

I wish you all a good health, keep safe and hope to meet you at our next IGAL conference.


Joris Van den Bruel


VCS accountants  – BELGIUM