Did you know that there are ten volcanoes in Italy?
Their names are Etna, Stromboli, Vesuvius, Ischia, Lipari, Vulcano, Pantelleria, Colli Albani, Campi Flegrei, Isola Ferdinandea.
Probably the most famous is the Vesuvius.
In the year 79 A.D., the eruption of Vesuvius destroyed the small towns of Ercolano, Pompeii, Stabia e Oplontis with over 2.000 deaths in one night.
The last eruption was on March 17, 1944, during the Second World War, but it was not catastrophic.
In the Tyrrhenian sea, on the legendary route of Ulysses, there is the island of Stromboli, with its volcano, that deserves a particular mention. During the Middle Age (between years 1343 and 1456), a seaquake, 600 kilometres distant from the island of Stromboli, destroyed the harbour of Amalfi and Naples.
One of those seaquakes had a special witness: the poet Francesco Petrarch who documented it through his writing.
The highest volcano of Italy (and, incidentally, Europe) is Etna, which stands at 3,300 meters (11,000 feet) located in Sicily, near Catania and Taormina.
Etna has erupted for a week during February 2021, without causing damage but providing a great spectacle!
On many nights, the dark sky was lit up by fire which was reflected in the snow.
An unforgettable show!
Some people say that it is a must to go and see live. Others, of course, say that it is better and safer to see it on television.
Where do you stand on the issue?

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